Current News

Safety in the Sun

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland Hopefully by the time you read this, the scorching days we have been having will cool down a little bit! That said, I thought I would just remind us all about some basic sun care tips for yourselves and your little ones so...

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Nursery to School Transition

Are you school ready? Starting school can be an exciting and worrying time for children and their families. But with good preparation and open communication, the transition can be made with ease, resulting in a positive experience for both the child and the parent. To...

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By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland I thought I would do a quick blog on constipation as it is a common condition that I have been asked about quite a lot recently. Constipation is a condition that can quite often be resolved with a few tweaks,...

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By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland The Department of Health recommends weaning from the age of 6 months because from that age, babies’ nutritional requirements change to meet their bodies’ growing demands and therefore the natural process of learning to eat...

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