Current News

Children and Discipline

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland The word “discipline” can often be seen as quite a harsh word, especially when you associate it with your children.  One reason for this can often be because we as parents are guilty of confusing ‘discipline’...

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Managing Winter Illnesses

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland With this terrible year of Covid 19, we are so hyper vigilant to the signs of symptoms of coronavirus that we may have lost sight of all the other winter illnesses that children may develop. Of course there are lots...

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Tuff Tray Ideas

Tuff tray's support the learning and development of children through fun, hands on activities. They also create a great opportunity to build on social skills, confidence, speech and language development. Here are some tuff tray ideas that are easy to...

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The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland We are always being told about the importance of healthy eating and making sure that we include all the essential vitamins and minerals to ensure that we give our children the best possible start in life, but what...

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5 Nutrition Hacks for Healthy Children

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Growing children need optimal levels of nutrients to thrive. Their bodies and brains need to be nourished by (almost) every bite of food. The challenge of serving up carefully planned,...

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From top down the staff are welcoming and care about the children as individuals. The manager is always available if I have any questions and queries are dealt with swiftly. The nursery building is lovely, providing a light and airy environment with a fabulous garden. My son thoroughly enjoys his time at nursery and I can see his progress. It is hard to believe the nursery has only been open two years-in that time I have seen it flourish.