Current News

Sun Safety

By Registered Health Visitor - Julia Headland I hope that you are all enjoying the weather.  In fact, it is now so hot that I thought I would just remind us all about some basic sun-care tips for ourselves and our little ones so that we can all enjoy our time in the...

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Children and Sleep

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland As a certified ‘Sleep Practitioner’, I am really pleased to write this blog on sleep because I regularly meet parents who are literally at the end of their tether because their child(ren) won’t sleep through the night...

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Coming Soon to Moseley….

By Lifestyle blogger Mrs Shilts  New Moseley Premises Mrs Shilts talks about our third nursery setting in Moseley which will open in the Summer! She also talks about some of the provisions that will be available and what make our nursery so unique! To read the...

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Platinum #JustQuality Accreditation

Both of our Edgbaston settings have undergone a 12-month process to achieve Platinum accreditation, working with Jigsaw Early Years Consultancy. The #JustQuality award recognises that providing childcare means adding impact across six key areas: reflection,...

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Always Busy? Nutritional Support for Busy Parents

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Being a busy parent often means you are pulled in many different directions and time is in short supply. This time of year, also adds extra tasks to our never-ending to do list. Our bodies are...

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From top down the staff are welcoming and care about the children as individuals. The manager is always available if I have any questions and queries are dealt with swiftly. The nursery building is lovely, providing a light and airy environment with a fabulous garden. My son thoroughly enjoys his time at nursery and I can see his progress. It is hard to believe the nursery has only been open two years-in that time I have seen it flourish.