Current News

National Eye Health Week

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland National Eye Health Week (NEHW) runs from the 18th to 24th September 2023 and aims to promote the importance of good eye health and the need for regular eye tests for all. I have been asked to write a blog about eye...

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Children and Wounds

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland When discussing wounds in children, we talk often about scrapes and cuts but really anything that breaks the skin is described as a wound so this can be from an insect bite to a wound from a surgical procedure. Skin is the...

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Speech and Language

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland Around 10% of children will have speech, language and communication needs and this number is set to rise following Covid where it has been found that, due to lockdown and mask wearing, babies social communication skills...

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Healthy Eating Week

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Nutrition for growth and development. Young children need adequate nutrition to fuel rapid periods of growth and development. This requires a balanced intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates and...

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Gut Microbiome and Children

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland What is Gut Microbiome? Gut Microbiome refers to all the microorganisms that live in our intestines. These include bacteria, viruses and fungi and are collectively known as microbiome. They are also present on our skin....

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From top down the staff are welcoming and care about the children as individuals. The manager is always available if I have any questions and queries are dealt with swiftly. The nursery building is lovely, providing a light and airy environment with a fabulous garden. My son thoroughly enjoys his time at nursery and I can see his progress. It is hard to believe the nursery has only been open two years-in that time I have seen it flourish.