Current News

Taming Tantrums with Nutrition

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Most children have moments when emotional instability takes over and they have a major tantrum. We know that being tired makes meltdowns more likely, but when a good night’s rest hasn’t had an...

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Promoting Infant Mental Health

By Registered Health Visitor - Julia Headland You may have noticed in the media that there has been a lot of discussion around the mental health of children and the various things in life that can affect the mental health of our children, for example bullying or...

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Supporting Your Child’s Sleep with Nutrition

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Disrupted sleep can affect the health and well-being of both children and parents. When unsettled sleep patterns become chronic and engrained, exhaustion becomes the ‘new normal’. Many of us...

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Natural Approaches to Constipation

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner If your child has bowel movements that are infrequent, large in volume or if they strain as they pass them then constipation may be an issue. The NHS describe constipation as having less than...

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Is Your Child a Fussy Eater?

By Sarah Hanratty – Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Toddlers often go through a phase where they prefer bland, beige foods and refuse stronger tasting foods like vegetables. One theory is that this preference is an evolutionary adaptation. One...

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From top down the staff are welcoming and care about the children as individuals. The manager is always available if I have any questions and queries are dealt with swiftly. The nursery building is lovely, providing a light and airy environment with a fabulous garden. My son thoroughly enjoys his time at nursery and I can see his progress. It is hard to believe the nursery has only been open two years-in that time I have seen it flourish.