Today’s daily challenge theme is ‘The Body’. Can you:

1. Sing songs such as ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and Funny bones song. Use youtube to help! 

2. With younger babies, using mirrors in play is a great way to get them to explore their features and recognise familiar faces. Sit with your child and use a mirror to point at different features, encouraging them to find theirs and yours. 

3. Use baby dolls in soapy water with sponges and wipes and encourage your child to give the dolls a bath. Talk about the body parts they are washing. With older children you can talk about the importance of keeping clean and hygiene routines. 

4. Draw around your child to make a ‘life size’ poster of them. Talk about where each body part is and encourage them to draw these on e.g eyes, ears, nose, mouth. With younger children, draw simple representations of these body parts and and cut them out. Encourage them to stick them on their poster in the right places. With older children, encourage them to write their own labels on the poster. 

5. Paint a self portrait – think about the colour of your eyes, hair etc and try and use the correct colours to represent these features. With older children, extend this by beginning to talk about similarities and differences between family members. 

6. Create an ‘all about me’ poster with all of your favourite things on there (food, colour, toy etc). Can you label this?

7. Have a look through some baby photos and talk about the differences between then and now. 

8. Can you make a snack in the shape of a face? You could make a pizza, gingerbread men, cookies or even just use a wrap or rice cake. What ingredients could you use to add features? Some ideas are attached.

9. Make some playdough and use this to create faces. Use stones, leaves etc to create your own face on your playdough. Talk about happy faces, sad faces etc. What makes you happy? What makes you feel sad?