Today our challenges are ‘Beach Themed’ to celebrate the lovely weather we are having at the moment. 

1. Can you create your own beach scene? Use different textures materials to make your picture. What colours do you need for the sea and the sand? What else might you find on the beach? 

2. Can you create your own sand dough and make your own sandcastles? (4 cups flour, 1 cup oil) 

3. Can you create your own sea creature craft? What features does it have? What colour is it? 

4. Have you ever visited the beach? Can you have a look at some photos? What did you do? Can you write about your visit to the beach? 

5. Create your own buckets (draw them on a piece of paper and cut them out) number them 1-5/1-10. Cut out a series of ‘shell’ shapes from paper and encourage your child to count the correct amount out to represent the number on the buckets. Can you stick the shells on? 

6. Create your own ‘beach themed’ tuff tray. This could be done in a container, water tray/sand tray etc. Add sand (or flour, cornflour etc), water, any sea creatures/people you may have and role-play being at the beach. 

7. Practice mark-making in sand. Use a stick or paintbrush to make marks. You could draw shapes, numbers, letters etc.