Today’s story is ‘Stick Man’. Can you read this story together or watch it online before taking part in the challenges.

1. Can you create your own Stick Man? Find some sticks in the garden or on a walk and use creative resources to add features to the sticks. Alternatively, you could use a cardboard tube to create your own Stick Man model. (Look on pinterest for ideas).

2. Stick Man really misses his family and is so happy when he finally reaches his house. Can you create your own family portrait/tree? You could use photographs or could draw your own interpretation of each family member. You could make your own tree by using leaf prints in paint or handprints. Encourage your child to talk about each member of the family, younger children could name them whilst older children can be encourage to talk about past events involving the family members.

3. Can you use sticks to make marks in paint? Younger children could explore colours and marks while older children can create representations of letters, numbers and shapes.

4. Pre-school children – Can you write a postcard from Stickman to his family? Think about how Stickman might feel and all of the things he did within the story that he might like to tell his family. What different things was he used for?

5. The Stick Man floats out to sea in the story. Can you explore floating and sinking at home? You could use natural resources outdoors or some waterproof toys and explore which ones float and which ones sink. Maybe you could make your own ‘boat’ to put in the water to help Stickman get back to shore.