1. Can you go on a bug hunt outdoors in your garden or on your daily walk? See what bugs you can find and then write a list of the different creatures you found. Can you create your own minibeast craft or drawing of one of the bugs you found? 
Once you have completed the above activities; find a variety of natural resources such as sticks, stones and leaves to create your own bug house! Create your own ‘worms in mud’ tray by using cooked spaghetti in cocoa powder or soil. How many worms can you find? 

2. Can you take part in a cooking or baking activity with a grown up today? Have a go at making some fruit salad or making some homemade soup. Can you cut up the ingredients? You could do a baking activity such as cakes or biscuits and practise using the scales to measure out your different ingredients. To extend this further for our Pre-school children, can you write a list of ingredients you used or make your own recipe card?

3. Have a go at building your own ‘house’ and creating your family to go inside. Can you use a cardboard box, lego/duplo, sticks/stones etc to create your own representation of your house. Draw pictures of your family to put inside your house. If you have any printed photos, you could create your own people with photos for the faces to represent your family members. 

4. Can you take part in some messy play activities? Do some hand/foot printing on large paper outdoors. What colours can you use? 

Have fun!