Today’s daily challenge will be based around ‘People Who Help Us’ and different occupations. 

1. Can you think about some different job occupations e.g Fireman, Doctor, Nurse etc. Talk about their job roles and what they do. Can you paint a picture of one of these? 

2. Create your own emergency vehicle craft. This could be on paper or a 3D version made from a cardboard box. 

3. On your daily walk, talk about road safety. What must we do before we cross a road? Holding an adults hand, looking both ways, walking on the pavement etc. 
Pre-school, can you create your own road safety poster? 

4. Have a go at role-playing fire fighters outdoors! Can you use a hose? Or a spray bottle? Create your own ‘fire’. You could use chalks on the pavement or a box filled with ripped up paper. 

5. Can you talk about what you want to be when you grow up? Create a picture of the occupation you’d like to do. What do you think your job will involve? Can you write this down? 

6. Can you be a ‘chef’ for the day? What will you bake/cook at home? Help Mommy/Daddy make your lunch. 

7. Can you do some dressing up and role-play activities? 

We have provided some other activities to try at home today/over the weekend too: 

1. Read your favourite story together. Can you talk about the illustrations – what different things can you see? What characters are in your story? 

2. Pre-school have been doing lots of Phonics work. They have focused on ‘S,A,T,P,I,N’. Can you create your own letter sound hunt. Hide letters written on paper around the house or in the garden along with an object to represent each one e.g s is for sock, a is for apple. Encourage your child to find the objects and letters and match them up to their initial sounds. How many objects can you find beginning with each letter. 

3. Practice cutting skills using natural objects. Collect leaves, twigs, fallen petals. Use some scissors to cut them up into small pieces. You can then use these to create your own picture. 

4. Get messy in paint! Do some hand/foot prints on paper to explore different colours. 

5. Practice counting skills by building towers using lego or megablocks. Enhance this activity by adding numbers to the blocks and encouraging your child to put them in order. You could also introduce patterns and categorising the blocks into colours. 

6. Can you create your own sunny beach picture using different craft materials?