1. Can you go on a long walk and see what different natural objects you can find? How many different coloured petals, leaves etc can you find? Make a colourful collage with all of the objects you collected. 

2. Squirt some different coloured paint into a container/tray. Use Q-tips to make marks (or draw shapes, letters numbers). Place a piece of paper gently on the top of the paint and lift up to see the masterpiece you have made. 

3. Make your own playdough (2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 2tbsp of oil, food colouring (optional). Use some of the natural objects you collected to make your own animals or people using the playdough. 

4. Make your own Gloop (Cornflour with water). This is a create sensory experience for children of all ages. You can even add blue paint and add sea creatures or brown paint and add animals. 

5. Water play – fill a container with water and choose one of the following activities: 
– add washing up liquid/bubble bath with sponges/flannels/wipes. Add cars, animals, dolls or anything your child loves to play with. 
– add cups, spoons, jugs for a pouring and filling activitiy 
– change the colour using paint and hide different objects in, encouraging your child to pick one at a time and identify the object to encourage speech (younger children). 
– Add letters/numbers and play a letter/number hunt game. 

6. Make some ice paint. Fill an ice cube tray with water (or old containers/yoghurt pots). Add a few drops of food colouring or paint to each one. Add lollipop sticks or sticks from outdoors and freeze. These can then be used to make marks on paper once frozen. 

7. Do some baking together and share lots of stories and songs!