Today’s activity theme is ‘Space’. 

1. Can you name some different planets? Research the planet names and what they look like? Can you choose one of the planets and create your own representation of this? Write a list of three facts related to the planet. This could be extended to learning about all the planets over a few days. Our children at nursery love this song on Youtube!

2. Create your own telescope – use cardboard tubes or rolled up card/paper. Decorate it however you wish! Can you use your telescope to look at the stars tonight? 

3. Have a go at making your own ‘Moon’ craft. Draw a circle (or get an adult to help you dependant on age). Use rolled up tin foil balls to dip into paint and make marks on your moon. 

4. Have a go at making some ‘Moon Sand’. This is great for all ages and is mouldable. To make this you need 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of oil. 

5. Do some tin foil painting! Instead of painting on paper, can you create a picture on tin foil? 

6. Create your own Alien craft. How many eyes will it have? What colours will you use? You could cut out different shapes to make your Alien. You could even do some ‘blow painting’ using straws if you have some at home (suitable for older children who will not suck up the paint!) 

7. To practice gross motor skills, have a go at making some Moon Rocks by rolling up balls of paper or tin foil. Can you throw them into a box? Alternatively you could draw a circle on the pavement outdoors and aim to get them inside the circle. Can you count them as you throw them? Extensition for older children – show your child a number written on paper. Ask them to identify the number and throw the correct amount of ‘Moon Rocks’ into their box/onto their target. 

8. Use a large cardboard box to create your own ‘Rocket’. When you Zoom up to Space, what will you see? Can you count backwards? “3, 2, 1 Blast Off!” 

9. Can you create your own Sun craft and Star craft? What different materials and colours could you use? 

10. Sing ’10 little men in a flying saucer’ or listen to it online – can you use your fingers to represent each number? Read some space themed stories together… ‘Aliens love underpants’, ‘Zoom Rocket Zoom’. You can find many ebooks online and if you have subscribed to Twinkl, there are some space themed Ebooks on there too.