Today’s daily challenge is based on ‘My Senses’. There are lots of activity ideas below and we would love to see any photos of what you get up to! 

1. Create your own ‘sensory board’. Draw around your child’s hand several times on a piece of paper/cardboard. With your child, collect a range of different materials such as leaves, grass, Tin foil, sand, cotton wool etc. Encourage them to stick each one on a different handprint, talking about how they feel. With older children, encourage them to name the different textures; rough, soft, hard, bumpy etc. Get them to write a label underneath each handprint. 

2. Go on an environmental sounds walk. Listen to the different things you can hear as you walk; cars, birds, sirens etc. Extension for older children – write a list of the different sounds you heard. 

3. Create your own sounds indoors/outdoors using a range of different objects. Can you make loud/quiet/fast/slow sounds. 

4. Make some sensory playdough by adding a small amount of herbs/spices. Create a ‘my five senses’ poster. What are our five senses? 

5. Create a sensory treasure basket with your baby. This is a create way to stimulate your baby as they learn through exploring their senses. Please see link for further ideas on the benfits and ideas on what to add to your treasure basket.…/family-life/treasure-baskets

6. Messy play! Explore a range of different messy play activities such as water, sand, jelly, spaghetti, ice play, body painting etc. 

7. Create your own ‘touchy feely’ boxes. Use old containers or cardboard boxes and add in different resources in each one. Encourage your child to explore these with their hands and see if they can guess what is inside. 

8. Write your child’s name with glue (older children can do this independently). Encourage them to use different sensory materials; tin foil, tissue paper, ripped up leaves etc. to form each letter of their name.
