We have based today’s challenges on the Three Little Pigs story. Again, if you first read this story with your child or you can watch the story online if you do not have the book. Discuss the characters and story and join in with repeated phrases encouraging your child to do the same. Then have a go at some three little pig themed activities! 

1. Can you create your own houses using Sticks, Stones, Straws or Lego etc. Which house do you think would be the strongest? Can you ‘Huff and Puff’ like the big bad wolf and see if you can knock down your houses? Which materials are the best to make a house from? 

2. Can you make your own 3D model of a house using junk modelling resources such as cereal boxes, empty packets etc. 

3. Can you create your own Pig or Wolf craft or mask? 

4. Younger children could use blocks/lego/stones in paint to make marks on paper to create a ‘house’. What colours can you explore? What marks can you make? 

5. The three little pigs love to play in mud! Can you make your own sensory messy play to explore using the following recipe? 

The flour could be substituted for Cornflour to create Gloop which the children love to explore at nursery!