Current News

Dislocations in Children

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland What is a Dislocation? A dislocation occurs when extreme force is put on a ligament, allowing the ends of two connected bones to separate. Ligaments are the flexible bands that connect various bones and cartilage and...

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Author Visit: Sea School Stories

Children's Author Natalie Pritchard will be visiting Harborne Road on the 10th August. Written in a fun rhyming style, Natalie's books are all based on young marine creatures who go to Sea School and experience issues which children might also come across. The stories...

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Sun Safety

By Registered Health Visitor - Julia Headland After such as rainy May, I hope that you are all enjoying the gorgeous June weather.  In fact, it is now so hot that I thought I would just remind us all about some basic sun-care tips for ourselves and our little...

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Children and Sleep

By Registered Health Visitor – Julia Headland As a certified ‘Sleep Practitioner’, I am really pleased to write this blog on sleep because I regularly meet parents who are literally at the end of their tether because their child(ren) won’t sleep through the night...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.