Current News

Potty Training

I’ve been asked by some of the nursery staff to write a blog on potty training this week as it’s something that comes up often with parents and as a mum of a two and a half year old boy, this subject is very close to my heart!  Firstly, every child is different...

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A Thank You From Birmingham Children’s Hospital

We received a lovely letter of thanks from Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity acknowledging our fundraising efforts. We've thoroughly enjoyed supporting such a good cause and we're so proud that we were able to raise £2,345.63.

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Level 3 Portfolio Forest School Training

We're pleased to announce we have passed our Level 3 Portfolio Forest School Training! We believe that the Forest Schools programme provides an excellent vehicle for learning and development. Children have a great affinity with the natural world. It arouses their...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.