Current News

Daily Challenge – 22nd April

For your daily challenge today, can you: 1. Create your own window art to thank our Key Workers2. To create your own water and oil sensory bag you could also add different colours in and watch what happens.3. Let’s go on a toy hunt around our house/ garden ( Toddlers...

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Daily Challenge – 21st April

Babies your daily challenge is to create some rainbow spaghetti. You can do this by soaking some spaghetti/pasta so it becomes soft, divide your spaghetti into separate bowls and then add different coloured food colouring. This activity will enhance colour recognition...

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Daily Challenge – 20th April

Babies 1 and 2: we would like you to practice playing some musical instruments out of household objects. This can be with a pot or pan with a metal spoon or a wooden spoon with a plastic tub. This is a great way to enhance your babies hearing and listening skills...

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Daily Challenge – 17th April

Babies: Your challenge today is to create your own rainbow foam. You will need bubble bath and paint, can you mix the colours together and feel the textures. Can you make marks using different resources? To develop speech could you place your animals in the foam and...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.