Current News

Daily Challenge – 29th April

Today’s daily challenge will be a special one, as it is Captain Tom Moore’s 100th birthday tomorrow. We would like you to: · Create a birthday card. · Create a birthday banner/bunting. · Create a birthday cake for your tea party (tomorrow). · Create a medal to honour...

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Daily Challenge – 27th April

This week’s theme is based on flowers.  For today's challenge we would like the older children to: 1. Name 3 types of flowers.2. Draw the life cycle of a flower.3. If you have any flower seeds, plant them in your garden and take pictures of each stage that it has...

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Daily Challenge – 24th April

Toddlers and Pre School we would like you to: 1. Practice your shapes we would like your mommy’s and daddy’s to draw an outline of a shape, we would like you to name the shape, cut it out then add legs, arms and eyes to create your own shape monster. 2. Draw a circle,...

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Daily Challenge – 23rd April

In honour of St George's Day we would love it if you could... 1. Write 3 facts about St George2. Create your own St George’s day flag3. Create a sock puppet dragon- you can use as many different resources to make your dragon4. Can you create your own St George’s day...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.