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Daily Challenge – 21st May

Today’s daily challenge is based on families 1.    Can you draw your own family tree? You can be as creative as you would like 2.    Can you name who lives in your house? 3.    PreSchool name 3 things that...

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Daily Challenge – 20th May

As today is the hottest day of the year today's daily challenge will be based around hot weather!! 1. Can you create your own beach items for example buckets, spades? 2. Let’s create fruity ice cubes 3. Can you create your own watermelon sun catchers here is a link...

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Daily Challenge – 18th May

Today's theme is the ocean! Toddlers and Pre School your challenge is: 1. Can you create your own sea world 2. What songs can you think of that have the names of sea animals? 3. Can you create your own sea animal be as creative as you would like 4. What animals live...

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Daily Challenge – 15th May

Your theme today is the Three Little Pigs. 1. Can create your own versions of the three houses you can be as creative as possible 2. Can you write a sentence to describe your houses that you have drawn 3. Can you draw your own version of the Big Bad Wolf and add your...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.