Current News

Daily Challenge – 3rd June

For today’s Daily challenge we will be focussing on Dear Zoo: 1. Can you read Dear Zoo to your child/children? If you have not got the book here is the link for you to use 2. Encourage your child to communicate the noise each...

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Daily Challenge – 2nd June

Today’s daily challenge will be based on shapes for babies.  1). to create your own Rainbow using objects around the house.  2). to build the highest tower using shaped objects.  3). to create a shape tuff tray & explore them.  4). Parents to...

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Daily Challenge – 1st June

For today’s Daily challenge Toddlers and Pre School your focus will be based on Patterns: 1.   Can you draw your own pattern using two different colours 2.   Can you create your own pattern movements for example jump, clap, skip and hop...

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Daily Challenge – 29th May

For babies your daily challenge is to focus on mini beasts 1.       Can you create your own birds nest using shredded wheat or weetabix 2.       Can you create your own mini beast hotel here is the...

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Daily Challenge – 26th May

As some of you are returning to Nursery next week, can you: 1. Draw a picture of what you miss about Nursery2. Draw a picture of your key person and Pre School can you write their names3. Create your own friendship tree of all your friends that you miss at Nursery4....

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.