Current News

Daily Challenge – 29th June

For today's theme we will be looking at space: 1.   Let’s create our own galaxy sensory jars here is a link to complete 2.   Can you draw three planets out of our Solar system and Pre School to...

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Daily Challenge – 26th June

Under 2's Going on a nature walk in the garden - collecting natural resources, such as leaves, stones, flowers, sticks, etc. Create your own collages with the resources that you have found. What does it feel like? Can you identify any colours?Take lots of photos to...

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Daily Challenge – 25th June

1. Can you use any resources from around your house to mark make, like toy cars or building blocks and see what patterns you can make? 2. Would you be able to Use crayons and attach to a toy car to make marks on large paper? Follow this link for some ideas:...

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Thank you for your kindness, caring and supportive attitude during our daughters time with you. We have loved knowing that our daughter has gone to such a lovely happy nursery. Thank you all.