Babies 1 and 2: we would like you to practice playing some musical instruments out of household objects. This can be with a pot or pan with a metal spoon or a wooden spoon with a plastic tub. This is a great way to enhance your babies hearing and listening skills using loud and quiet sounds. Tomorrow we are having a mini Rhythm time session on Zoom, we would love to see your DIY musical instruments which you would be able to play during the session. For example you can make these using dry rice in a little tub to make a mini shaker. We would love to see some photos of you making these!

Pre-school and Toddlers: we have been talking about heavy and light objects, we would like to ask you a question, Will your toys sink or float? Ask Mommy and Daddy if you can borrow their washing up bowl and fill it halfway with water, drop your toys in one by one and have a guess if they sink to the bottom or stay floating on top – use your writing skills to make a tally chart of how many sunk and floated! Be careful not to splash the floor with water; it can become very slippy! We would love to see an after photo of the washing up bowl! Have fun! As an extension of this maybe put some food colouring in your water and see if your object disappears. 
