Level 3 Portfolio Forest School Training

We’re pleased to announce we have passed our Level 3 Portfolio Forest School Training! We believe that the Forest Schools programme provides an excellent vehicle for learning and development. Children have a great affinity with the natural world. It arouses...

Author Natalie Pritchard’s Visit

We are very excited to announce that on Thursday 16th April we are having a visit from best-selling children’s author, Natalie Pritchard. Natalie Pritchard is the author of the Sea School Stories series of books – Monty the Manatee and Sully the Seahorse. Monty tells...

Technology and Children

By Julia Headland We have probably all heard at some stage there are concerns about letting our toddlers and older children use smart phones and tablets, but I suspect that many of us are guilty of letting our children have access to them even if it is just to watch...

Health Visitor Dates

We take children’s health very seriously at Norfolk House Nursery. We engage a Registered Health Visitor and Registered General Nurseto provide specialist advice and guidance on children’s health and developmental issues. Here are the next dates...