Daily Challenge – 9th April

Toddlers and Preschool:Fun with science! Can you make the colour dot grow? Use a square of kitchen roll, draw a medium sized blob of colour with a felt tip pen and get a shallow cup of water, make the tissue into a cone shape (pictured) and watch the magic! How many...

Daily Challenge – 8th April

For babies today’s daily challenge is to create your own edible finger paint using any type of yoghurt that you may have with food colouring we would then love for the babies to create their own self portrait using this to encourage their imaginative...

Potty Training

I’ve been asked by some of the nursery staff to write a blog on potty training this week as it’s something that comes up often with parents and as a mum of a two and a half year old boy, this subject is very close to my heart!  Firstly, every child is different...