Daily Challenge – 15th May

Your theme today is the Three Little Pigs. 1. Can create your own versions of the three houses you can be as creative as possible 2. Can you write a sentence to describe your houses that you have drawn 3. Can you draw your own version of the Big Bad Wolf and add your...

Daily Challenge – 14th May

Today’s theme for Pre School and Toddlers is Pirates!! 1. Can you create your own treasure map, you can use as many resources as you can. 2. Parents hide their toys around the house and in the garden 3. Can you create your own Pirate eye patch and Pirate ship flag Use...

Daily Challenge – 13th May

Today’s daily challenge will be based on yesterday’s Story time with Lyn as she read Cave Baby. 1. Can you draw an animal which has either strips, stars or dots? You can use paint, chalk, and crayons even gluing and sticking with different materials. 2. Talk...

Daily Challenge – 12th May

For today’s challenge we would like our toddler’s to dress up as doctors and nurses! You can: 1) Dress up as a doctor or nurses.  2) Create your own equipment which doctors and nurses would use. 3) Can you name and draw different body parts. 4) Create your...