Daily Challenge – 25th June

1. Can you use any resources from around your house to mark make, like toy cars or building blocks and see what patterns you can make? 2. Would you be able to Use crayons and attach to a toy car to make marks on large paper? Follow this link for some ideas:...

Daily Challenge – 24th June

Today is going to be very hot. We will be looking at sun safety. 1. Can you use paint and colour to Design your own sun hat? You can make this as bright and as colourful as you want maybe you could design a matching pair of flip flops? 2. Can you make a sun safety...

Daily Challenge – 23rd June

As the weather is lovely today, today’s daily challenge for toddlers and preschool will be based on summer: 1). Can you create your own boat using materials you can find in your house. After it is made let’s see if your boat can float or sink. 2). Can you create your...

Daily Challenge – 22nd June

Today we are doing activities based on the theme of farm animals! 1.   Can you create sensory muddy pigs using paint, shaving foam and a pig picture? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/429601251956788152/ 2.   Preschool children can you...

Daily Challenge – 19th June

1. Can you use your imagination and make your own paintbrush using natural resources from the outside area. Here is the link: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/417286721706166135/ 2. Can you use a mirror to look into and draw your surroundings? Can you use it to look up...