For today’s Daily challenge we will be focussing on Dear Zoo:

1. Can you read Dear Zoo to your child/children? If you have not got the book here is the link for you to use

2. Encourage your child to communicate the noise each animal makes

3. Can you make a sensory tuff tray for your animals

4. Can you create your own lion face mask?

5. Could you create your own snake sock puppet?

For Pre School your daily challenge is to focus on numbers:

1. Can you categorise your objects in groups from 1-5 once grouped can you write the number you have grouped your toys in?

2. Can you go on a number hunt, create your own number pictures and ask your parents to hide them around the house?

3. Can you tally how many cars you see on your daily walk then categorise them into Lorries, cars or buses

4. Can you create your own number cards once done ask your mommy’s and daddy’s to play a game of snap.

5. Can you gather as many fruits as possible and Tally what they are?