Today’s daily challenge will be based on yesterday’s Story time with Lyn as she read Cave Baby.

1. Can you draw an animal which has either strips, stars or dots? You can use paint, chalk, and crayons even gluing and sticking with different materials.

2. Talk about which animals from the story you can see daily and write the names of them.

3. Create your own cave either using a cardboard box or materials.

4. Choose one of the animals that you have written down and write 3 facts about them.

5. Can you create your own starry night picture?

The babies Daily Challenge will be based on our zoom session yesterday where we made cupcakes your theme for today based around different foods.

1. Can you complete a vegetable printing activity you can use as many vegetables as you would like.

2. Can you create your own pizza you can use any base you would like?

3. Can you paint a picture of your pizza?

4. Can you create your own frozen vegetable sensory tray explore the different textures and feel what happens when the vegetables melt. Use different utensils to mash the vegetables once they have melted.