Today’s theme for Toddlers and Pre School is the Very Hungry Caterpillar!

1. Can you use your fingerprints to create your own version of the hungry caterpillar using the amount of food he eats on each day? For example (On Monday he ate one apple) see how big the caterpillar grows through each day.

2. Can you create your own healthy and unhealthy food plates you can use as many resources as you can find.

3. Can you draw your favourite fruit- Pre School can you write three words to describe what your fruit looks like?

4. Can you complete a leaf collage

5. Pre School -What is the life cycle of a caterpillar?

For babies your theme today is Old McDonald can you….

1. Sing Old McDonald with your mummy and daddy’s

2. Can you create your own sock puppet of one of the animals out of the song

3. To create your own farm tuff tray

4. Can you create your own collage of your favourite animal and use as many resources as you can find.