Toddlers and Pre School your challenge for today is to focus on sizes.

1. I would like you to go on an object hunt and collect objects that are different sizes from big to small

2. I would like you to categorise the objects into their groups ( e.g. Big or small)

3. We would then like you to count how many of each size you have and tell us which your biggest object is.

4. If you have the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears ask your mommy’s and daddy’s to read it to you, then pick out one Bear it could be the big, medium or small bear I would then like you to draw the Bear you have chosen with their sized bowl, chair and bed (Pre School I would like for you to write down what bear you have chosen for e.g. Big bear).

5. The last challenge is if your parents/ carers have a measuring tape encourage them to measure your arms and theirs then see who has the longest arm out of the whole family.

Babies challenge:

1. To encourage your child to use their bodies to create their own collage using different colours of paint.

2. To create your own colourful bubbles using fairy washing up liquid and paint

3. I would like you to create your own scented playdough use your gross motor skills to create your own art.

4. We would also like you to create your own picture using paint and any resource you can find in your house.